Art as a response to crisis: WHO Foundation and Uğur Gallenkuş collaboration

The WHO Foundation collaborated with Uğur Gallenkuş, a Turkish digital artist, to raise awareness of the health emergency in Türkiye and Syria following the devastating February 2023 earthquakes. Through the power of art, Gallenkuş supports the
 World Health Organization’s appeal to channel funds and supplies to the impacted communities.

Gallenkuş, well-known for his creation of digital collages, highlights the stark contrasts between the chaotic and peaceful aspects of life. His style has been featured in various United Nations campaigns, where it is often used to illustrate the impact of economic inequalities and the climate crisis on global quality of life.

WHO response to crisis. Uğur Gallenkuş collaboration

In a recent interview with Country & Townhouse magazine, Gallenkuş discusses the role of art in times of crisis, and how it brings awareness and inspires action. “..Art can be a very useful tool to help people – who have not witnessed the tragedy – to understand and empathize with how the disaster has affected people.” said Gallenkuş.



In the article, he also elaborates about his partnership with WHO Foundation and why an artist like him is at the forefront of this campaign.

“There is nothing more important in life than having good health, especially in times of crisis. This is why it is our moral duty to help organizations such as WHO, that work to provide essential health services and supplies, even in the most devastating situations such as the aftermath of the earthquakes in Türkiye and the Syrian Arab Republic.” he added.

To find out more information about Lifesaving Response to Earthquakes in Türkiye and the Syrian Arab Republic, visit:

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